Savline History

From Savline Roleplay Wiki
Revision as of 05:05, 25 November 2023 by HellFury (talk | contribs)

The Beginning

Savline RPG was launched on the San Andreas Multiplayer (SA:MP) platform in August 2022 using the Asiania RPG script with some modifications. In the initial weeks post-launch, the server reached consistent 30s and 40s, before facing hosting issues, issues with rules and roleplay standards, staff issues, lack of development and eventual death.

A half-hearted revival was attempted, switching from RPG to medium roleplay, thus becoming Savline Roleplay. However, continued lack of development and lack of effort resulted in the death of the server. Plans were made for a revival of the server on and a partnership of sorts with the platform. However, this never came to fruition due to a lack of dedication.

Internal deliberations began, with senior leadership going as far up as the then-Community Leader HellFury, asking for the ownership to be handed over if the incumbent, realdiegopoptart, didn't have the motivation to continue. The ownership of the Savline RP community was signed over to Ragnarok and HellFury on October 26, 2022.

From there, Ragnarok and HellFury initially set out to see through the deal and to make it happen.

The Second Coming

We use the term "Second Coming" metaphorically. On November 27, 2022, Savline Roleplay faced a griefing attack on the Discord server. After asking to be given back ownership after destabilizing the community and working for a direct competitor, realdiegopoptart deliberately griefed the Discord server in a bid to derail the community through the use of a backdoor - a bot with clandestine permissions.

As per HellFury's message addressing the community immediately after the attack: "With the exception of the griefer, as this pretty much constitutes a fresh start - all bans have been lifted."

This marked the start of the "Second Coming" of Savline Roleplay.

As Ragnarok and HellFury set out to make happen, they found people willing to join and assist, most notably former Community Leader, danut. From there, work was done on the SA:MP server and the server was relaunched.

However, as the server remained dead and failed to attract any interest, it eventually became evident that SA:MP in any form was not a viable future for the community.

It was announced in January 2023 that Savline Roleplay would be moving to Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas (MTA:SA).

In May, Savline RP announced that it was on track to releasing its MTA:SA server! Unfortunately, the server was still off for some time as it proved to be a much bigger job than initially expected. However, the Savline RP team never faltered, and as more and more developers joined the Savline RP development team, they continued to progress and progress until the community became what you see today.

As Savline RP continued to market itself and establish itself as a revival of English roleplay on the MTA:SA client, more and more people joined the community, and perhaps for the first time in a long time, Savline created real hope for the revival of English RP on the platform, as perhaps the only server really fighting to revive English roleplay on MTA: San Andreas in 2023.

Written by HellFury.